Antioxidant Life Pack is a package consisting of Magozai and Asta-Gen, who have a role to protect and keeping your cells, DNA and organs healthy and healthy function normally.
Benefits and advantages:
• Magozai : Helps to lower the risk of degenerative diseases and ageless body organs
• Asta-Gen : Serves to keep all organs of the body stay healthy and youthful.
Magozai 2-4 sloka / day before breakfast
Asta-Gen 1 time / day, 1-3 capsules (at once) after meals
Posted By MCB Master Motivator Senam Pintar Magozai Legres Starkidz AstaGen SlimHealth90 on Jumat, 19 Mei 2017 | 07.14
Blog, Updated at: 07.14
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